Dr. G. Ramakrishna Reddy              email: drgrkreddy@gmail.com

                                               M.Com. Ph.D.,                  Mobile: 09440290459

Office   : 08514 – 244592, 240766


Academic Profile


Ph.D. (1993)                : Title – "Delegation of Authority"

                                      Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur

M.Com (1980) : S.V. University, Tirupathi

B.Com (1978)              : S.V. University, Tirupathi


Professional Experience: 25 years:


     Working as Principal & Correspondent for Sri Ramakrishna Degree (Autonomous)  

      and P.G .College since 1984. 



  1.The College secured  ‘’A’’ Grade by NAAC.

     2.The College was Identified as COLLEGE WITH POTENTIAL FOR EXCELLENCE  

        (CPE) by the University Grants Commission, New-Delhi.

      3.The college was granted an AUTONOMOUS STATUS by the U.G.C.,

       4.The college is secured ISO 9000:2000 CERTIFICATION.

       5.AWARDED  4 Ph.Ds and 4 M.Phil Degrees Under my guidance.

      6. UGC Nominated as an OBSERVER for the selections of carrier advancement positions   


     7.UGC appointed as an EXPERT COMMITTEE MEMBER  for the allocation of XI Plan

         Grants to the affiliated colleges in  TAMIL NADU, MADYA PRADESH,



Publications&Participation workshops/seminar:


1.Participation & Presentation In International Conferences:                  10

2.Participation & Presentation In National Conferences:                          13

3.Publication of Articles in various Journals & Magazines(15+3):           18                                                                                      4. Publication of Books: 03                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Research Degrees Awarded :



Name of the Research Scholar

Title of the Dissertation

Degree Awarded


Sri M. Rama Subba Reddy

Sources of Finance with special reference to Venture Capital

M. Phil



Smt. G. Renuka

Development of women Entrepreneurship – a case study of Kurnool District in A.P

Ph. D


Sri. U.V.S. Kumar

Performance Evaluation System

M. Phil


Kum. V.J. Vani

Motivational Environment in Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation – A case study of Rayalaseema Thermal Power



Sri M. Ramasubba Reddy

Quality of Work Life in Nandi Group of Firms



M.Rama Rajasekhar

Labour Welfare Practices



B.Venkata Ramudu

Human Resource Accounting Practices in India



Sri Siva Ramaprasad

Working of ATMs of SBI



                          LIST OF PUBLICATIONS


Books Published:

1.Human Resources Management-Strategic Challenges, New Century Publications, New Delhi,

   August, 2008

2.Investment Behaviour and Risk Management, Global Research Publications, New-Delhi.,2009.

3.Venture Capital : Funding The Dreams, Published by Himalaya Publishing

     House, Mumbai, 2002.

Participation In International Conferences:

1.  Participated in International Conference on “Global Economic Turbilences: Shifts in Business 

     Structures and Systems, Organised by School of Business Administration, University of Papua New

     Guinea, Papua, New Guinea & Gitam University, Vishakapatnam, on July 12-14,2009 and

      presented a  paper on “Global Economic Crisis and its impact on Indian Economy:.

2,Participated and  presented a paper on “Mid Market Retailing” in the second international 

   conference organized by institute of productivity and management, New Delhi from May  

   23 – 24, 2009.

3.Participated  in Sixth Aims International Conference On Management organized by AIMS

      International at IBA, Greater Noida on December 28-31,2008 and presented a paper on

      Significance on Human Resources in service sector.

4 .Participated in 4th International Conference-2008 on ‘’Enterprenuership In New Economy”,

     Organised by Rajiv Academy for Technology & Management, MATHURA (UP) on February 14-16,

2008  and presented paper on ‘’Women Entreprenuers-Prospects and challenges”.

5.Participated  in the International Conference on Retailing In The Globalished ERA-Perspectives

    &Challenges, Organised by School Management  Studies, University of Hyderabad on January

    10-12, 2008 and presented a paper on Retailing the Globalised Era.

6. Participated in International Conference on “Global Challenge: Building Human Competencies &  

     Achieving Highest Human Potential , Organised by School of Business Administration, University 

     of Papua New Guinea, Papua, New Guinea,  on September 27-28, 2006  and presented a  paper

     on “Paradigm Shifts in Human Resource Management Practices”.

 7.E-Governance in A.P Rural development in world Multiconferrence on systemics,

    Cybernetics and informatics.” organized by International Institute of Informatics and    

    Systematics (IFSR), Orlando, Florida, USA July 22-25, 2001.


8.Health Care Information & Communication System for rural area” organized by

   International Institute of Informatics and Systematics (IFSR) Orlando, Florida, USA

   July 22-25, 2001.


9.Participated and Presented a paper on "Money Market Mutual Funds:Boon

   OR BANE?" in the International conference on contemporary issues in Financial Services

   held at Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar, during March 1996.


10.Participated and presented a paper on EQUITY RESEARCH ANALYSIS at the

   International Conference on Contemporary issue in Financial Services held at Utkal

   University, Bhubaneshwar, during March 1996.


Participation In National Level Seminars/Conferences:

1.Participated  and presented paper on “Exploitation of Students’ Potential” in the National Seminar

   on ’’Students Role in Quality Assurance”  organized by NAAC, Bangalore & Silver Jublee 

   Government College, Kurnool, on December 11-12,2008

2.Participated and Presented a paper on “Perceptions Of Rural Insurance Policy Holders in

   Kurnool District of AP” at a National Level Seminar Organized by SKIM, SKUniversity  

   Anantapur . (March 29 -30,2008)

3.Participated in National Seminar on “EDUCATION-INDUSTRY LINKAGES (FOCUS 

   ON BUSINES  EDUCATION) Organised by the Brihan Maharashtra College of

   Commerce, Poone on February 17-19, 2008.

4. Participated in the National Conference on “Role of Autonomous Colleges in Strengthening the

    Quality of Higher Education” on August 5-6, 2006 organised by the University Grants Commission

    South Eastern Regional Office, Hyderabad.

5.Participated and presented a paper on “REFORMING MANAGEMENT IN INDIA” in the National 


     CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES” organized by School of Management Studies, Chaitanya Bharati

     Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on December 17-18, 2004.

6.Participated and presented a paper on ‘’QUALITY OF WORK LIFE-SOME REFLECTIONS”  in the     

    National Seminar on ‘’ Emerging Dimensions f Human Resource Management” organized by

    University Post-Graduate College, Kakatiya University, Warangal on March 29-30, 2005.

7.Participated and presented a paper on ‘’INVESTOR PROTECTION IN INDIA-WITH SPECIAL 


     INDIA-PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTSt” organized by University Ars & Science College, Kakatiya

     University, Warangal on March 29-30, 2005.

8. Participated and Presented a paper on “Value added Tax (VAT) Implementation-Problems to be

     faced by Central Government with State Government” in the National Seminar on  value added   

     tax in India-opportunities and challenges”  organized by the Faculty of Commerce Dept., S.V.Arts 

     College for Men, Tirupathi on July 22-23, 2004.

9.Participated and Presented a paper on “ETHICAL LEADERSHIP-LEADING FROM THE FRONT” in the 

    53 All India Commerce  Conference on ‘BUSINESS ETHICS IN India” organized at Marathwada

    University, Aurangabad on October 29-31, 1999.

10.Participated and presented a paper on “Industrial Entrepreneur Vs Educational

   Entrepreneur”, UGC National Seminar on Dynamic Entrepreneurship in India – Organized 

   by faculty of Commerce, Sri Venkateswara Arts College for Men, Tirupathi, March, 1999.

11..Participated in Silver Jubilee Conference of India Association for Education and Research    

     (IUCBER). Organized by school of Business Management , Sri Venkateswara University,

     Tirupathi held during 13-15, September 1999.

12.Participated & presented a paper in a two – day National Seminar on "TRENDS IN


     Campus, Organised by school of Management Studies C.B.I.T. on November 06-07-1997.


     FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION" In the All India Commerce Conference held at

     Osmania University, Hyderabad, during December 1996

Participation In Workshops:

1.Participated in the  Workshop on “Convergence of Open & Distance Learning and Conventional   

    Systems, organized by IGNU, New-Delhi and Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, AP,

    Hyderabad, on 6-6-2008

2.Attended Workshops on “Autonomous Colleges in Andhra Pradesh” Organised by South Eastern    

    Regional Office, University Grants Commission, Hyderabad, on 11th June, 2007

3.Participated in the National Level Workshop on “Teaching  Business Ethics” ORGANISED BY Indian 

    institute of management (IIM), Bangalore on May 23-24, 2002.

4.Participated in National  Level Seminar-cum-Workshop on ”Assessment and Accreditation of 

   Colleges “ organized by NAAC, Bangalore, at S.K.University,  Anantapur on March 15-16, 2002.

5.Participated and presented “how to prepare video presentation of  a college for NAAC 

    Assessmen “  Jointly organized by A.P.State Council of Higher Education & S.K.University, 

    Anantapur on 30-8-07.

Refreshers Courses Attended:


1.Participated in Refresher Course on Management Information Systems from January 4-24,

   2006, organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur


2. Participated in UGC sponsored Refresher Course on Teaching of Commerce: New     

   Approaches organized by S.K. University, Department of Commerce from November 7-27,



3.Participated in the U.G.C. Sponsored Refresher Course on "Teaching of Commerce: New

   Approaches" organized by the Department of Commerce, Sri Krishnadevaraya University,

   Anantapur during November 7-27,2001

Articles Published:

1.Corporate Farming in India-Critical Success Factors ,AGRICULTURE TODAY, November,2010, New-  


2.Hypothecation of Lives- Suicides for Insolvency, AGRICULTURE TODAY,  January ,2010, New-  


3  Investment Behaviour of Rural Investors, FINANCE INDIA, Vol.XXIII  NO,4 DECEMBER,2009, Delhi.

4.Savings Pattern and Investment Preferences of Individual Households, PORTFOLIO ORGANIZER,

    June 2009,ICFAI University, Hyderabad.

5. Can NGO’s define wealth  in Management Education  - May 2009 

6.Investment Behaviour of Rural Investors – with special reference to Rayalaseema Region of Andhra

    Pradesh, INDIAN ECONOMIC PANORAMA, Vol.17 No.4, January 2008, New-Delhi.

7.Risk Assessment of Investment Avenues, TREASURY MANAGEMENT, July,2007, The Icfai University,


8. Paradigm Shift in Insurance Sector in India, INDIAN ECONOMIC PANORAMA, Vol.15 No.3, 

     October,2005, New-Delhi,

 9.A Beleaguered Past and Promising Future, Indian Management, Volume Number 40,       

    March 2001.


10.India Inc – Stock Options as a Strategy, Indian Journal of Commerce, Volume

      Number  52, Oct. – December, 1999.


11.Transparency in accounting,  Indian Journal of Commerce, Volume Number XLVIII No.

     184, September 1999.


12.Pricing Policy in Small Scale Industry – A C, Indian Journal of Marketing, Column

      Number XV 7, March 1995.


13.Performance of Rayalaseema Grameena Bank”,  in Yozana, March 1985.


14.Rural Electrification and Rural Development in A.P”rural India, Volume Number IV.7, 

     July 1983.


15.Role of Commercial Banks in Financing the Agricultural Sector, Land Bank, Volume

     Number XXIV, June 1982. 


Publications In News Papers:


1.Published as a news item in Andhra Bhoomi entitled “is it the Crazy of the Commerce

    Education Diminishing” on 11-09-1985.


2.Published as a news item in the news paper The Hindu entitled “Ensuring Quality in

    Education” on 23-07-1985.


3.Published as a news item in Andhra Prabha entitled “The Role of Industrial Development

    Bank in Overall Economic Development” on 01-03-1983.


Positions Occupied:

 1.  Founder & President, Sri Ramakrishna Educational Society, Sri Ramakrishna Degree & 

     P.G. College, Nandyal.

2.  Principal & Correspondent, Sri Ramakrishna Degree College, Nandyal since December

     1984 and Sri Ramakrishna P.G. College, Nandyal since 1994.

3.  Member, Academic Senate, S.K. University, Anantapur 1989 to 1995.

4.  Member in All India Management Association, New-Delhi.

5.  Member, College Development Council S.K. University, Anantapur  1989 to 1992.

6.  Director, Major Research Project on "Working of Rayalaseema Grameena Bank",

     Cuddapa sponsored by the U.G.C, Delhi.

7.  Life member, All India Commerce Association.

8.  Member, A.P. Economic Association, Hyderabad.

9.  Member, Railway consultative committee, Nandyal Railway Station since 1992 to 2006.

10. Institutional member, Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, Delhi.

11. Served as a Secretary, President, Governors group representative and Chairman,  

     scholarships sub committee to the Rotary International.12.Served as a member to the Academic Council of Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi   from 1985 to 1988.

13.Served as visiting faculty member to the International Institute of Management Sciences, Calcutta.

14.Local Secretary, A.P. Economic Association conference held in February 1998.

15.Member, S.K. University advisory committee for Adult & Continuing Education Department.

16.Project Director, Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Nandyal Parliamentary

     constituency, granted by U.G.C.

17.Monitor, Council for Advancement of Peoples Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), Ministry of 

     Rural Development, Government of India, Delhi to evaluate the pretending, midterm and final

     evaluation of the Projects sanctioned by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.

18. Participated in the International Exchange Programme on Nrithya Sandhya during 15- 

      31 October 2002 at France.

19. Participated in "National Integration Camp" Organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangahan, Kurnool

      during September 15-22, 1993.

Social Activities:


*Providing free Education to the poor and merit students

*Fostering an old age Home and an orphanage

*Adopted a few children and facilitating food, shelter and Education


Personal Profile:


Father's Name : G.P. Eswara Reddy

Date of Birth                 : 15-03-1957

Address                       : Principal  & Correspondent

                                      Sri Ramakrishna Degree & P.G.(Autonomous) College.

                                      Nandyal – 518501

                                     KURNOOL – DISTRICT, AP , INDIA

Place    :NANDYAL



                                                                  (G.RAMAKRISHNA REDDY)